There is certainly a cost to social media and we are seeing it more and more – people being fired and/or things they said a decade ago coming back again without being able to clarify the context. But there is also a lot of benefit…
There is certainly a cost to social media and we are seeing it more and more – people being fired and/or things they said a decade ago coming back again without being able to clarify the context. But there is also a lot of benefit…
If you have a desire to have a high impact in your global community, then you should be able to look back and study what made others, before you, successful. What books did they read, courses did they study, beliefs did they hold, actions did…
In the movie “The Secret” they talk about the Law of Attraction which is also the law of vibration: you are what you attract. Vibration is one of the laws of the universe. That law states that everything moves, nothing ever stays the same or…
We already know that life is already overwhelming with too many distractions. Take the iPhone, last I heard, there are around 1.96 Million apps available. 1.96 Million new choices. 1.96 Million new decisions. Just what we want: more. When I was growing up there weren’t…
Everything in the universe has its opposite. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down and every down has an up. The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite …it…
Teaching people to become self-reliant begins with words of empowerment rather words of entitlement. We all have equal opportunity. The real problem is our choices in education, choices which blind us from seeing the opposite side of money. One of the great myths is the…
In 1986, Walter Payton of the Chicago Bears, at the height of his career was asked, “Do you have to do more planning now than you did in the past?” His response was inspiring, “When I started out, I knew where I wanted to do,…
If you are of a certain age you might remember being a child sitting between the two front seats in a moving car or maybe laying down in the back window. A human projectile waiting to happen. People didn’t wear seat belts either. Then all…
Your skin is your body’s largest organ – it regenerates at an amazing rate – you sport a new coat of it every month. Skin acts as our body’s defense against the external world, as well as our brain’s collector of external data. A hug…
We have all experienced adversity and although we differ wildly in how we respond – the question remains what does it mean to keep going in the midst of adversity? To me, adversity is nothing more than a universal whisper letting us know that we…